
    Top 7 Best Farming Junglers in League of Legends

    To do anything in League of Legends, you need gold and experience. The only way to gold and experience, other than killing the enemy players, is farm. Farming is a vital mechanic in League of Legends, and not a single game goes without it. It is a default and essential part of the game’s gameplay loop. 

    Farming tactics and strategies can vary from Lane to Lane and between roles and classes. However, it all comes to the same – kill minions. But there is one place on the map and one role in particular that has a vastly different way of farming. That, my friends, is the Jungle.

    Junglers can only farm neutral camps around the Jungle. I mean, they can go into Lanes to pick up some extra gold, but that won’t be their primary source of income. We’ve compiled the 7 best Jungle Champions for farming in this list. 

    These Champions have a lot of damage, can quickly clear camps, and most importantly – come out unscathed from those encounters. As opposed to Lane farming, where minions are largely harmless, Junglers must face their source of income directly. 

    So, with the introductory ramblings out of the way, let’s begin with our list. 

    7. Graves

    Graves is a marksman Jungler that is perfectly capable of doing everything Jungle-related. He’s been one of the most popular picks for the Junglers for quite some time now, and rightfully so. His ability to clear camps while remaining perfectly safe is unmatched by other Champions in the role. 

    Graves’ passive gives him knockback against neutrals and minions. This means that he will be shooting at the Jungle camps and pushing them back from him in the process. Kiting becomes a no-brainer with this Champion, and you’ll have zero issues when farming with him. 

    Apart from the safety of his farming, Graves also has some of the highest base damage in the game. The two shotgun shells, which are both a cruse and a blessing, have insane scaling and will obliterate the neutral camps with ease. 

    Graves can use his quickly obtained gold and XP advantage to assert dominance over the enemy Jungler. Ganking is also easy to do since Graves is quite mobile, and the damage mentioned above does nothing but help him achieve all of his ambitions of power and strength.

    I recommend you give Graves a try as you will find out immediately how powerful this Champion can become. 

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    6. Vi

    Vi is one of the most mobile Junglers League has ever had. She is also one of the most powerful, and her kit carries many things to justify these claims. Her Q serves as both a source of damage, CC, and mobility. It is an exceptionally useful tool that Vi can utilize in many different ways to her advantage. 

    Within the Jungle, the CC and damage part of the spell will be its primary use. Displacing a larger camp of neutrals is also a good idea, which will help Vi do extra damage to multiple opponents at once. This brings me to her Jungle precise and farming capabilities, which are pretty self-explanatory.

    Vi, apart from her Q, has her W and E, both sources of damage and attack speed. Her E can even do damage to multiple opponents. It’s an auto-attack reset, which provides Vi with an extra strike at the neutrals. She can clear the entire Jungle in mere minutes, and rarely can any other Jungler compete in regards to time. 

    She can then move on to other ventures, such as the enemy Jungle or ganking. Whatever she does, she will accrue a whole ton of gold and XP along the way. This remarkable way of quick gameplay deservedly lands her a spot on this list.

    I recommend Vi to almost everyone. Try getting versed within the Jungle a bit first, and then you can quickly move on to Vi, who is right now among the best Junglers you can pick. 

    5. Kayn

    Kayn was the reigning supreme overlord of the Jungle for most of Season 11. In the recent pre-Season patches, he has fallen off a bit. However, this has nothing to do with his kit and character but rather that he was overshadowed a bit by some new and arising Jungle stars. Fortunately for the people reading this list, Kayn still remains extremely viable, fun, and powerful. 

    His farming is the best thing about him. Power-farming is the name of the game with Kayn, and I’ll explain why. You see, his Q and W are both multi-target spells. The former is Kayn’s primary damage source with a low cooldown and excellent scaling. He can eviscerate any camp with blazing speed and even has the help of his E for moving around faster. 

    It allows Kayn to move through terrain, completely ignoring walls. This can cut short his travels from camp to camp or between the Buff areas, which significantly boosts his farming capabilities. After clearing everything there is to clear, Kayn can move on to do whatever he likes, and he can’t be stopped. 

    His mobility, power, and incentive to fight everyone give Kayn some unique and super fun gameplay. I suggest you at least play him once to get a feel for him. I love this Champion, and I don’t doubt for a second that you will too. 

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    4. Olaf

    Olaf has recently resurged as a popular pick in the Jungle. He was pretty prominent many years ago, both on the Top Lane and in the Jungle, and has gone incognito for some time. Recent patches and gameplay changes have brought him back into the fray, and that is a welcome sight, in my opinion. 

    Olaf’s entire kit revolves around damage and speed, both against single targets and multiple. 

    His Q has literally zero cooldowns as long as Olaf picks it up after casting. He can continuously do this in the Jungle as there is no distance to travel between him and the ax. 

    The W is an insane attack speed and lifesteal buff that will keep Olaf at full HP. The attack speed bonus makes clearing camps a breeze. 

    The E is something else entirely. It is a point-and-click true damage spell that Olaf can use on a single target. Its cooldown decreases with each auto-attack which will also keep it consistently available. It even has no mana cost but instead costs HP. The HP cost is insubstantial and will heal up by itself, if not from Olaf’s W. 

    You can see there are many things he can use to clear the camps quickly and efficiently. His kit prevents him from being harmed by anything, neutrals especially. I love Olaf and have mained him way back in 2013-14 when I first played the game. He is a fantastic Champion, and I can’t be happier that he’s made a sort of a comeback. 

    I recommend him to everyone, especially lower elo players, due to his simplicity of gameplay. 

    3. Warwick

    Warwick is a Champion that has dominated the game for some time now. Ever since his rework, he’s been a force to be reckoned with, and his farming capabilities are something else. Despite being incentivized to gank and control the game, Warwick can clear the camps so quickly that it becomes a total non-issue for him. 

    Everything in his hit helps to clear the camps and remain healthy in the process. Extra attack speed, damage, lifesteal, CC, you name it, and Warwick will have it. He can obliterate his own side of the Jungle and immediately move in to terrorize the enemy Champions. This means he will also be grabbing some of that Lane farm as well, much more than most others on this list. 

    Warwick is a Champion that is super hard to stop and prevent from doing what he does – kill and dominate. His passive gives him a constant map presence and knowledge of your whereabouts. Low HP enemies will be hunted down, so be afraid when you see a Warwick in the enemy team. 

    I recommend him to everyone since he is super fun to play and has many unique mechanics. 

    2. Fiddlesticks

    Fiddlesticks is our first and only AP Champion on this list. Honestly, while researching this article, I thought that I would have much more of those on here, but unfortunately, the AD Junglers are simply the dominant force in the role. They do everything right, but it’s refreshing to see an AP Champion here as well. 

    But I digress. What makes Fiddlesticks a good farming Jungler is what we’re here to answer. Well, his W is the primary spell to name when speaking about Fiddle’s farming capabilities. It does a ton of damage, has a low cooldown, and can even work on multiple targets. It will heal Fiddle substantially enough that he will never need to back away, save for the need to buy new items. 

    Using his other tools like the fear and the extra damage from his E, Fiddle can slice through neutral camps without breaking a sweat. He will be getting to that level 6 mark sooner than anyone else, and once he does – well, we all know what comes with his Ultimate. 

    Fiddlesticks is a fantastic Champion that has gained extra dominance and popularity with his rework. He was incredible even before he was reworked, but the new version instills much more dread and fear into the hearts of his enemies. I recommend you give him a try, and that’s an order. 

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    1. Nocturne

    Nocturne has also had a resurgence in gameplay in recent patches. Primarily, he became extra prominent in the Top Lane, but his Jungle picks haven’t dwindled down as a result. Nocturne is a true nightmare incarnate and has a near-constant presence on the map because of his Ultimate spell. Everyone fears Nocturne when they see him in the enemy team and when he uses that Ultimate, fear only comes naturally. 

    His farming is also pretty quick and straightforward. Nocturne can clear through even the most numerous camps like the Raptors and Kruggs in seconds using his passive and blazingly fast attack speed. It takes zero effort to efficiently Jungle with Nocturne, as he is pretty simple in all ways possible. 

    After clearing the Jungle, prepare to haunt your enemies like the nightmare you are. He is a true fiend and will never relent in the torture of his opponents. This makes Nocturne one of the best Junglers, in my opinion, as creating uneasiness in the enemies can make them make some accidental mistakes that they wouldn’t make otherwise. 

    You have my warmest recommendations for this Champion. 


    Farming is the primary thing to do in League of Legends aside from taking towers and the Nexus. Doing it efficiently will undoubtedly give you an extra edge over your opponents. Some Champions have a much easier time farming than others, which differs from Lane to Lane. In the Jungle, as we can see, there are plenty of options to choose from to be as efficient as possible and achieve that dominant status. I hope this list has been helpful and fun to read, and I wish you all the best on the Summoner’s Rift.

    These lists take time and effort to make, so leave feedback to help us improve them. Keep a keen eye out on our website for more League of Legends-related content such as guides, lists, and articles. 


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