
    Best Teemo Skins – Ranked from Worst to Best

    Teemo, the Swift Scout, is an adorable yordle that isn’t afraid to make his cute side aware. You’ll never find Teemo in anything but acute skin. In this skins review, you can find out what skin you can dress your favorite yordle in, or you can simply see how adorable he can possibly be, which is a lot, I’m telling you, you’ve been warned.

    1. Happy Elf Teemo

    Happy Elf Teemo isn’t anything too new, mostly just a re-texture of Teemo. He now wears a hat that allows him to show his Christmas spirit. The clothes aren’t anything spectacular but is that what they think a Santa’s helper would wear? For the features you get with this skin, the low price does make sense. The skin can be a bit on the boring side, but in my opinion, the skin is still pretty accurate. 


    • Minor model changes


    • No new particles
    • No new animations
    • No new sounds

    The price of this skin is 520 RP.

    Also read: Best Lissandra Skins

    2. Recon Teemo

    Recon Teemo is another re-texture with a noticeable style. Taking the makeup, helmet, and clothing to mind, it shows a camouflaged soldier. The theme is suitable for Teemo and is pretty adorable. The skin itself isn’t bad, but there isn’t much more that it could possibly do. So if you want a cheap skin, this could be an acceptable option. 


    • New textures


    • No new particles
    • No new animations
    • No new sounds

    The price of this skin is 520 RP.

    3. Badger Teemo

    Badger Teemo is so full of cuteness it’s hard to ignore. Teemo takes on a persona as a badger, nothing too exciting, but it sure is adorable. It’s basically just a darker version of Teemo. Badger Teemo is for those fans that want a cute skin that is also inexpensive. 


    • New textures


    • No new particles
    • No new animations
    • No new sounds

    The price of this skin is 520 RP.

    Also read: Best Sion Skins

    4. Astronaut Teemo

    Astronaut Teemo changes the way that we’ve previously seen Teemo, and it does well at this. Teemo looks great in a spacesuit, as well as just cute. The skin is an interesting idea with an open helmet that is a little out of place. Particles add to the skin and make it more appealing. The theme is clear makes the Astronaut take aware. Considering all of this, Astronaut Teemo is a nice skin that Teemo’s fans will adore. 


    • Major model changes
    • New particles
    • New animations
    • New sounds


    • Fortunately, there are no cons. 

    The price of this skin is 1350 RP.

    5. Cottontail Teemo

    Cottontail Teemo allows Teemo to fully embrace his cuteness, the skin isn’t something that everyone will love, but it really is a cute skin. The bunny suit is the main attraction with the sack of eggs that resemble Easter. Carrots also hang from his neck, making the bunny idea apparent. It’s a skin with plenty of vivid colors. And making the skin consistent in its theme is the hops while walking. So, if you like bunnies or just even Easter, you’ll love this skin.


    • Major model changes
    • Hops instead of walking animation


    • No new particles
    • No new sounds

    The price of this skin is 975 RP.

    6. Super Teemo

    Super Teemo gives something for the fans of comic books and superheroes. It gives Teemo a fiercer look rather than his normal cute persona, but there is only so much menace a yordle can present itself with. The outfit is definitely that of a superhero with a cape making it more appealing. His mask makes him more adorable and makes the theme clear. The new animation and music that comes off as heroic make the superhero concept known. If fuzzy Yordles dressed as superman are up your alley, you’ll like this skin. 


    • New model
    • New animations
    • New sounds


    • No new particles

    The price of this skin is 975 RP.

    Also read: Best Sona Skins

    7. Panda Teemo

    Panda Teemo differentiates itself from Badger Teemo with instead a black and white design for a panda. The implementation is well done with a bamboo blow gun and the panda suit. The idea is great for Teemo. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that exciting except for the particles. Overall, Panda Team is a fine skin that panda lovers will adore. 


    • New model
    • New particles


    • No new animations
    • No new sounds

    The price of this skin is 975 RP.

    8.  Omega Squad Teemo

    Omega Squad Teemo is probably about as dark as Teemo will ever get as the sweetness of our favorite furry yordle is gone and replaced with a post-apocalyptic Teemo. He becomes a cold dark soldier. The visuals, such as the clothing, have an interesting aesthetic with dull colors. With all of this darkness, the yordle is still somewhat adorable. Many of his abilities aid in making the theme more noticeable. Particles, animations, and sounds all fill in the gaps of what is missing with the skin itself. Being responsible for demonstrating the yordles darker side is the voice-over. This skin separates Teemo from his normal furry yordle self with a high pitch voice, and it does great at it. In the end, Omega Squad Teemo is a skin that creates Teemo a new identity, and he adapts well to this new persona. The skin accomplishes what others cannot, so his fans will appreciate this darker version of Teemo.


    • New model
    • New particles
    • New animations
    • New sounds


    • Expensive

    The price of this skin is 1820 RP.

    9. Little Devil Teemo

    Little Devil Teemo gives another cute persona, this time one with a devil interpretation. The demon idea makes Teemo even cuter. His large horns and tail are really the only things noticeable. Instead of a blowgun, a trident replaces it with animations that help aid the idea. Particles demonstrate his hellish nature, and sounds are simple with just a basic flaming swoosh sound for his abilities. The recall presents Teemo stabbing the ground with his trident and dancing around it with what resembles a devil face. While the skin itself isn’t too visually spectacular, it’s definitely a worthy choice.


    • New model
    • New particles
    • New animations
    • New sounds


    • Too much cuteness

    The price of this skin is 1350 RP.

    Also read: Best Taric Skins

    10. Beemo

    Beemo will have everyone buzzing about how great this skin is. It’s pretty straightforward skin with Teemo dressed as a bee. He wears a cute bee costume with a blowgun that shoots honey with matching wings and antennas. Particles make sense for the skin, with honey and bees, so it suits the concept. Sounds seem to match the particles with bee sounds. His recall summons three flowers and three bees, making it a cute way of transportation. Overall, the skin isn’t too remarkable, but it is a very cute skin, such as Cottontail and Panda Teemo. The skin has everything you could ever want, cuteness? Check. Features? Check. So why not make this your first choice as a skin. 


    • New model
    • New particles
    • New animations
    • New sounds


    • To say there is a con to Teemo would be a mistake.

    The price of this skin is 1350 RP.


    Cottontail Teemo is the recommended skin. It’s adorable and, without a doubt, appealing. Super Teemo and Panda Teemo are also good skins for the concepts and the implementation. 

    Beemo (no, that’s not a spelling mistake) is an adorable skin that embraces him as a bee; with a cute costume and nice particles, it makes a lovely choice for fans.

    Omega Squad Teemo embraces his darker side with some interesting features, but it fails to fulfill in some areas and could use more work. Overall, it’s an appealing skin that will please his fans that are searching for a darker version of Teemo. 

    Little Devil Teemo is a skin that accomplishes that it’s interpretation of a devil. Visually it can be a little disappointing at times, but overall it captures the demonic personality. The adaptation of the devil offers Teemo in another cute skin. 

    Astronaut Teemo will have you feeling out of this world in battle, with a cute adorable skin and nice particles to match. The concept is also done well and gets the point across.

    Recon Teemo and Badger Teemo are also great skins if you don’t want a high-priced skin. They both offer a cute look for Teemo that fans will welcome with open arms. Happy Elf Teemo gets into the Christmas spirit. It’s a simple skin with an appealing look as well as theme, but it can be a bit boring. 


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