While you’re playing League of Legends, if you’re paying attention to chat, you’re going to see a lot of slang. Some of the slang you may be familiar with, but there may come a time when you wonder exactly what it means…like proxy farming. For those of you who are sitting there, scratching your heads and wondering what the heck proxy farming is and why are people keep talking about it, we’re going to fill you in on the meaning, which champion is best for it, and of course, how to do it correctly!
What is Proxy Farming?
Long story short, proxy farming involves farming behind an enemy turret, preventing the enemy teams’ minions from protecting their turret as your minions take advantage of this. Now, the enemy team can counter this action by tanking the minions (similar to what you’re doing), or they can choose to let their turret slowly be taken advantage of, piece by piece.
In a proxy farm situation, the champion will be sitting between the first and second tower – their job is to eliminate as many minions as possible in this area. Basically, the theory here is that once you kill all of the minions, there won’t be anything left to fight, which will allow your minions to push to the tower. This applies significant lane pressure because the enemy laner will have no choice but to stay in lane in order to stop the tower from taking all the lane farm – this is an effective way for a team to prevent a roamer from doing his/her job.
Mind you, being a proxy has some issues. In this position, you’re going to be easy to gank because you’re far from any form of protection. This is why many people consider proxying a poor technique and inting. When this technique is done correctly, it is anything but feeding. As long as you choose an appropriate champion, it is easy to get away.
The Best League of Legends Champion for Proxy
The idea here is to pressure the jungle and mid, which will leave the other objectives free for the taking. For this reason, Singed is the perfect champion for this role. This champion has an ultimate, ghost, and Q – when you combine these actions with W and bush jukes with E, he is hard to chase.
The Best Proxy Strategy
Starting out, Singed will use his ghost summoner spells, making it easier for him to escape. This will give him the ability to return quickly after dying.
Singed will be proxy farming between enemy turrets starting out at level 1. He will be clearing the waves of minions while staying away from most melee minion damage.
Singed doesn’t care about dying. He’s entirely focused on farming those minion waves.
Benefits of this Strategy
By farming enemy minion waves between the enemy turrets, the top lane enemy must either let him reach the turret or tank his minions. Usually, this will make the last hitting almost impossible for the enemy laner.
If the enemy top laner decides it’s a good idea to chase after Singed, he will lose minions, allowing them to get an easy tower.
After each death, killing Singed isn’t going to bring as much gold – each death gives less and less gold.
Usually, the enemy team will choose to send their mid laner or jungler to help get a hold on Singed and destroy him. What this means is that Singed will be given free map control, making it easy to get the objectives (bot turrets, mid, drake, and so on).
Why Choose Singed?
We chose Singed for this proxy strategy because his escape capabilities with his ult, ghost, and poison are like no other. With his poison, he can farm minion waves while avoiding most of the minion damage. Yes, he dies a lot, but he still gets decent farms, and after level 6, he can go farm top and mid lanes inside the enemy base and be efficient for the end game team fights.
The most significant disadvantage to using this strategy is that a Proxy Singed is going to require the entire team to know what to do in order to take advantage of the map pressure that Singed is creating. If you’re on a team and your teammates aren’t able to get objectives as Singed is being chased, then the strategy isn’t going to work out very well.
How Do We Handle a Proxy Farmed Singed?
Honestly, there’s no hard counter to the strategy because the enemy isn’t able to leave Singed freely farming in their base, but chasing him is going to leave objectives open. So what do we do when we are facing a Singed?
The best ways to counter a proxy farming Singed are:
- Keep the Top Jungle Properly – You need to properly ward the top jungle and keep it warded. As soon as Singed tries to walk into the jungle, punish him.
- Wave Clearing Champion – We recommend a good wave clearing champion. Zed, Riven, Chogath, or Zac would work great as a wave clearing champion. Also, once you’re able to, go proxy farming, which will negate the pressure that Singed is creating.
- Snowballing Champions – Use snowballing champions like Akai, Fiora, Darius, Fiz, Katarina, Jax, Vayne, Nasus, Draven, or Yasuo. These champions have a higher impact on the teamfights than Singed.
When using Singed to proxy farm, you need to be comfortable with playing him and know how to use his abilities because you’re going to find yourself getting into some mighty tricky situation. You should also communicate with your teammates in order to make sure your team takes full advantage of the strategy.
In the end, don’t think that your opponents don’t know what you’re doing – they can predict your actions and counter you, which won’t end well for you, so always make sure you’re on top of your game.