
    Top 10 Most Common Questions Players Ask in League of Legends (Answered)

    League of Legends has been around for over a decade. As a game with such a long development cycle, it was bound to get deeper and deeper mechanically as time passed. With so much stuff piling up, people might find themselves a tad confused about what’s going on.

    Players continuously ask a plethora of questions on a variety of League-related topics. Since the game is ever-changing and new people arrive each day, they’re also bound to start asking questions. However, it’s not always easy to find an answer, even to the most basic ones. 

    That’s what this article is here to do. We’ve compiled the 10 most common questions that players ask around the internet and provided answers. So, to not drag things any further –

    Let’s begin! 

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    Which Runes do I take for X Champion?

    Runes have undergone a multitude of changes throughout the Seasons. Those who don’t keep up with the game might be dumbfounded when choosing the proper Runes. 

    Each Champion favors a particular combination of Runes. Guides around the internet will always showcase them and quickly give you what combination is the best at the moment. However, just go off of instinct if you don’t want to scour the internet for the right stuff. 

    Try out what you think would work, and if it doesn’t – try something else. Trial and error will get you to the best solution. Even if it isn’t part of the current meta, it will be something that YOU find comfortable to play with. 

    Runes are a complicated thing that takes quite some time to learn. Experience is your best friend in this regard, and the more you play, the easier you will know which Champions require which Rune combination. 

    Never betray your instinct. 

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    How Do I Play Against A Particular Matchup?

    With nearly 160 Champions in the game, knowing each matchup by heart is almost impossible. Thus, people often ask, how the hell do I play against this? There is no easy answer to this question, but I will try to keep it simple. 

    Bluntly, the only way of figuring out how to play against a matchup is to – play that matchup. The internet is always your friend for stuff like this since people have likely already played that matchup, so you don’t have to. Learning from others is an excellent tool for improving in League of Legends. 

    Matchups are hard to learn and take a ton of practice and raw experience. You’ll have to verse yourself well in the role/class you’re playing as. Experiencing matchups firsthand will allow you to figure out what does and does not work. 

    Therefore, experience is the best way of going about figuring out matchups. It doesn’t matter if the experience is your own or someone else’s – what’s important is that you learn and win. 

    How To Effectively Land Skill Shots?

    Skill-shots are the final level of mastering League of Legends. Once you become a precise master of this craft, you will be easily considered a complete League of Legends player. Being a good skill shot player unlocks a myriad of Champions for you that would otherwise just not be fun to play. 

    So, how do you effectively land them? Well, that’s gonna take a while. Practice makes perfect, but some factors may impact your performance. 

    You see, no two skill shots are created equal. Skill shots will differ wildly based on their speed, animation, wind-up, etc. For example, Ezreal’s Q is fast, precise, and not too challenging to land. It has a quick wind-up, and the enemy can rarely anticipate it quickly enough. 

    On the other hand, you have Thresh’s Q, which is another story. It has a long wind-up; it isn’t that fast, and the enemy can easily anticipate it if they react correctly. Even a newer player can avoid it just by paying attention. 

    These two will require entirely different approaches to how they’re used to land them effectively. Thus, what’s most important for landing skill-shots is understanding what skill-shot you’re using. Timing is perhaps the most crucial calculation for hitting a skill shot. Moving targets will have to be predicted, and thus timing plays an even more significant part. 

    You should just keep your sights on the enemy and anticipate their next move. Punish mistakes and practice a lot. The more you play, the sooner the skill-shot will become second nature to you. 

    When Do I Gank?

    To play in the Jungle is a colossal task for any player to take. It’s the most challenging role to play, and it can change the match’s outcome singlehandedly. While you could win with a weak Bot or Top Lane, a weak Jungler will always leave your team open for a swift defeat. 

    Ganking is an essential part of the Jungle experience, and it can be challenging to calculate when to act on a gank. Many factors go into waging whether to gank a Lane or not. 

    For example, you should constantly ask yourself: Where is their Jungler? If they’re too close for comfort, you risk a potential counter-gank and a failure. However, this doesn’t apply only to ganks, as knowing the enemy Jungler’s position is vital to winning the Jungle game. 

    Secondly, survey the enemy’s position in the Lane. If they’re up against their own Turret, then you should probably steer clear. However, capitalize on this and get a swift kill if they push too far and leave themselves exposed for a gank. Even if you don’t get a kill but bait a Flash or Ghost, you’ve done a service to your ally. 

    Know the capabilities of your own and your allies. If you under or overestimate your strength, you might either die or fail the gank. Never engage in ganks that are too risky, as they’re not worth the trouble. Reposition, reset and then see what your options are. 

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    Should I Use The Chat? 

    Yes, yes, and absolutely yes. Did I say yes? 

    The chat is the most critical thing in this game, period. There would be no point in playing anything other than ARAM without it. MOBA games that don’t utilize the chat should just omit the M from their genre’s name, whether text or voice. (  

    League of Legends is a game that puts a massive emphasis on team play and cooperation. These two cannot be achieved without proper communication, which is done through chat. Yes, there are bound to be some bad apples and toxic trolls here and there, but the point still stands. 

    League of Legends is a multiplayer game. Here, good cooperation means a chance at victory, while insufficient cooperation means inevitable defeat. Communication between players creates cohesion in the team. Players establish connections and can cooperate on a much greater scale. The ping system is also perfect for this, but there’s no point without the chat. 

    Genuine, live, and authentic conversation is always better than some automated ping. It makes you feel like you’re playing with actual people, not just random bots. You should and have to use the chat in League of Legends.

    It’s just a no-brainer. 

    Should I Enable The /All Chat?

    Now, while the chat itself is a vital feature, the /all chat certainly isn’t. I always kept it enabled because engaging in banter with the enemy team is some of the most fun you can ever have. God forsakes this game, and it’s a wretched place where nothing fun ever happens. However, watching the enemy team seethe and cope with their demise is as funny as it gets.

    The /all chat is just a place for banter, jokes, and friendly stuff. Yes, you can be rubbing it in on their noses, and that’s also fine. Trolling in the /all chat is a core part of the online experience, and I recommend you enable it. You will encounter a ton of toxicity here, so be wary of that as well.

    But even though that toxicity might deter you, I’d go as far as to argue that it should actually inspire you. Toxicity is what makes the internet a fun and volatile place, and it was never meant to be safe. Being toxic, enduring toxicity, it’s all just fun and games. Find your fun in everything, even in the abhorrent stuff that comes out of the /all chat. 

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    What is MMR? 

    MMR stands for Matchmaking Rating. The “undercover” system controls everything to do with ranks and divisions. MMR is a number system associated with a division in League of Legends. For example, 1500 MMR means you are a Gold IV equivalent, etc. MMR acts independently from the division system. 

    You could be Silver I while having Gold IV MMR. This means that the game will actively try to promote you to Gold IV as it believes you should be in it. It gives you extra LP while taking away less for defeats. The bonus LP can range from just 1 or 2 to tens, which is most emphasized in the placement matches. 

    It can also be a key factor for division skipping. Say you’re Silver III with Gold IV MMR. The game will recognize this and skip you from 3 to 1 immediately, shortening your path to Gold. It’s a great system that awards genuinely good players that deserve to place much higher than they currently do. 

    It can also work against you sometimes. Losing multiple games in a row can significantly reduce MMR. Disconnecting, dodging queues, and even being bad in Normal matches can all reduce MMR. This means that the game will actively try to DEMOTE you by giving low LP and taking away much more. 

    So, keep yourself in check and try to be the best player you can, even in a Normal and ARAM match. 

    Why Can’t I Improve? 

    People will often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. Struggling for a long time with no evident improvement can take its toll on any person’s psyche. League of Legends is, by nature, a frustrating game that requires some nerve to play intensively. 

    To figure out why you aren’t improving, you should first watch your replays. There’s no better way to see what’s wrong than just reviewing yourself. Replays can clearly show where you made mistakes, and you can figure out what NOT to do, what you should have done, etc. 

    Identifying mistakes and improving on them is easy, and you will immediately see a positive impact on your gameplay. 

    The second reason might be your stubbornness. Intentionally or not, you might be headstrong and not accept changes. League of Legends is a game of adapting, and doing the same thing all over again isn’t a good strategy. I know from my personal example that being a meathead will cause you to lose games and impact your performance negatively. 

    Thankfully, this can also be fixed through review and examination. Read up on what’s goon in matchups and the current meta, and look at your replays to see how to apply what you’ve learned. Strategize, think ahead and actively try to improve. 

    Just wishing for improvement, playing the same stuff, and doing the same things while praying for something to happen will keep you grounded. And that’s all there is to it, really. 

    How Do I Escape From Elo Hell?

    Here at LeagueFeed, we’ve done detailed articles on escaping certain divisions, especially the lower ones. First off, you should check those out and learn how to avoid the common mistakes that perpetually keep players in Elo hell. After you’ve done that, you can continue reading this section. 

    Elo hell is best escaped by adapting to your current division. Each division is its own story, and things that work in one won’t necessarily work in others. For example, in Iron and Bronze, solo play is highly emphasized, while teamwork and communication are a MUST in Platinum and Diamond. 

    Champions, matchups, the meta – everything shifts between divisions. Know your circumstances and try to work around them. Read, learn and adapt. Always be on top of your game and a step ahead of your enemies. 

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    What Are Smurfs, And How Do I Beat Them?

    A Smurf is a high division player that purposely plays in a lower division. There can be various reasons for doing this, some of which are morally acceptable and others that are not. 

    The morally “correct” Smurfs might be people that just want to play with some friends. They could be a Diamond-level player casually playing with a friend that might be new to the game, stuck in ranked, etc. Though they’re highly skilled and not fit for a lower-ranked game, they are perfectly fine with playing in such divisions. 

    They also might be just a dude playing on his alternate account. Sometimes the hardships of high Elo become too much to bear, and the dude gets on a second account to destroy some noobs. It can be a fun dopamine boost when you might be feeling down. Also, noobs make for some good live target practice. 

    Now, the morally abhorrent Smurfs are those that troll and throw games to decrease their rank. Some Smurfs purposely want to get their main accounts to a lower division and intentionally lose games to do so. This makes life living hell for those stuck with the Smurf as they’re set up for defeat from the beginning. 

    Account boosters are also not among the morally correct crowd. Boosting people for money just makes ranked matchmaking and the ladder devoid of purpose. Everything about it is fake, costs way too much, and there’s no point in doing it. 

    Smurfs, whether you like them or not, is a reality. It’s not easy to beat them, and I suggest you communicate with your team to find a solution. They can kill you when you’re separate, but things get a lot harder, really fast, once you unite. 


    League of Legends is a game with a ton of content, mechanics, Champions, etc. So many questions arise each day among the various forums and communities around the internet. The ones above are just some we’ve observed to be common among the players. 

    Of course, things move and change fast in a live environment like League’s. Thus, we will update the article accordingly if new questions become more commonplace. Staying up to date with everything is a core philosophy of ours here at LeagueFeed.

    I hope you’ve found this article enjoyable to read, and I wish you all the best on the Summoner’s Rift! 

    If you’re as LoL crazed as we are, you can take a look at out our article on checking how much time you’ve spent on LoL so far.


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