
    League of Legends Duo Queue Rules

    If you have been queueing on your own while playing League of Legends, we understand that this can get pretty frustrating. If you’re a support or marksman, this is especially true because you won’t be able to predict how your lane partner is going to be.

    Then there’s the scenario of having a good amount of friends you can play with, but you’re not in the same ranked division, which can be a problem. 

    Today, we’re going to take a look at which ranks can play together in LoL. 

    Solo/Duo Queue vs. Flex Queue

    Before you jump into a League of Legends match, you will need to choose whether you would like to play solo, with one friend, or with more than one friend. When you’re queuing up for solo/duo, up to two premade players will be able to play together (as the name suggests).

    Can Gold Play Duo Queue with Bronze?

    This picture represents the icons of Gold and Bronze League of Legends rank tiers. In this section we're answering the question: "Can gold play with bronze in duo queue?

    Unfortunately, gold cannot play the duo queue with Bronze. An individual that is in the bronze tier can only play with other Bronze players as well as those in the Silver tier. Individuals in the Gold tier can only play with those in the Silver, Gold, and Platinum tiers.

    Can Silver and Iron Play Duo?

    Silver and Iron can play Duo. Silver-tier players can queue with Iron, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Tier Players. Iron is the first rank that was introduced back in 2018 as a new rank – Iron is below Bronze on the ranked ladder.

    Which Ranks Can Play Together

    Do you have a partner you would like to play with? Here’s a nice little rundown on the ranks that can play together:

    Normal Modes – If you’re playing in normal modes, any rank can play together.

    Solo/Duo Queue – in Solo/Duo Queue, you can play with players up to the following ranks:

    EmeraldxxxxYesYesYes (+2 Div)
    DiamondxxxxxYes (-2 Div)Yes (+2 Div)

    Players that are in the Master, Grandmaster, or Challenger tier will only be able to play solo, so the option to duo is no longer present there.

    Ranked restrictions are going to apply based on the player that’s at the lowest-tier in the group.

    Why Does League of Legends have Rank Restrictions?

    As soon as League was introduced, Riot Games have introduced a function called Rank Restrictions which keeps the game fair. This means that a Challenger player will never be able to play in ranked against Bronze ranked player

    There are some League of Legends players out there who feel that it’s not fair that the rank restrictions prevent them from being able to play with their friends if they’re only a couple of tiers from each other. 

    However, Riot Games has these rank restrictions for a reason – here are the two main ones:

    • Riot tries to make player ranks equal on both of the teams.
    • The skill levels between different tiers can vary.

    To help you fully understand this, here’s an example: Let’s say you’re a Diamond Tier, and you have a friend that is a Silver Tier. When you play with ranked restrictions off, LoL will try to match you with players that are from Silver to Diamond. In theory, you’re going to get a team that is all chopped up – some will be unskilled, while others will be skilled. 

    In reality, the following problems will take place in the game:

    • The matchmaking system will fail to put together an equal team skill-wise. 
    • Players that are on different lanes will come face to face with enemies at a different skill level.

    Sure, the matchmaking system could wait until it puts together the perfect team. However, the waiting period would be long, meaning it would take a long time before a match gets started.

    A system like this would be so full of problems and so unbalanced to the point where there would be one-sided fights. 

    Sure, your Diamond lane friend could probably take on both the Gold support and Silver marksman. You’d have the Diamond jungler invading the platinum jungler, but they may also be skilled enough to be able to lock down the top and mid lane. In many cases, though, a system like this wouldn’t result in a fair game. 

    Is it Possible to Play with Higher Ranked Partners in League of Legends? 

    Tiers, League of Legends

    If you really want to play with your friend, and they are more than one tier apart from you, there are still a couple of ways for you to play together. 

    The first suggestion would be to play normal game modes as these are not limited. This game mode isn’t going to affect anyone’s rank and will allow you and your friends to play together. 

    The more rewarding option would be to have the lower-ranked player to work their way up through the ranks. This way, the player with the lower skills won’t get boosted and will develop the right skills to play at a higher level.

    Flex Queue Rank Restrictions

    As players are climbing in ranked games, the system does limit which ranks can play together. Iron, Bronze, and Silver ranks can play together without any limitations. Silver plays can join gold players in the queue, and gold players can have Platinum friends on their team. 

    When you reach higher levels, the system will get more complex. Only Emeralds and highers can queue with Master, Grandmaster and Challenger ranks.

    The system will keep matches balanced, making sure players of similar skills are on both sides. The system isn’t perfect and flawless as some players find themselves stuck in games with higher-ranked players, which we knew would be a problem. LoL is always looking for ways to improve their matchmaking algorithms. 

    Flex queue allows players to create parties of two, three, and five players. Parties of four players have been disabled, allegedly, to prevent others from picking on that fifth member. 

    So there you have it – this wraps up our discussion on League of Legends Duo Queue Rules. We hope that this shed some light on the duo queue rules for you.


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