
    How Many Champions are in League of Legends?

    League of Legends is a popular game – before the match starts, you have to select which champion you will be using and take it from us; there are many champions for you to choose from. They range from heroic warriors to swift assassins, and everything in between the two. If you choose, you can fight as a shape-shifting dragon or a tree …yes, it’s that cool.

    How many champions are in League of Legends? Right now, there are a total of 166 champions, with the latest one being Hwei. When League of Legends was first released back in 2009, there were 40 champions, and from there, new champions have continuously been added. The iconic 100th released champion was Draven.

    Not only are there a lot of champions to choose from, but you also have a variety of heroes. 

    The total number of unique game combinations, considering 166 unique champions with 5 champions per team and no repetition of the same champion on either team, is approximately:

    836,904,165,613,716,816836,904,165,613,716,816 Combinations

    Plus, you also have to consider that a lot of the champions can be repeated in blind mode. 

    Full List of League of Legends Champions & Their Release Dates

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    How Many Champions are in LoL of Each Class? 

    Each one of the champions has their own unique feel. Champions in LoL are placed in one of these five categories:

    1. Brawlers
    2. Assassins
    3. Tanks
    4. Marksmen
    5. Mages

    Within each class, there’s a lot of variety.

    In this post, we’re going to categorize the champions based on their commonly played positions. 

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    Number of Champions that are Fighters/Brawlers

    How many champions does League have? League of Legends has more than 40 bruisers, and has many more champions in total!

    In LoL, there are 41 fighters and brawlers. These champions can take a great deal of damage without dying and can dish out their fair share of damage. With these champions, we recommend building both defensive and damage dealing items. 

    Here’s a list of Champions that are fighters and brawlers (in alphabetical order):

    1. Aatrox
    2. Bel’Veth
    3. Briar
    4. Camille
    5. Darius
    6. Ekko
    7. Fiora
    8. Gangplank
    9. Gwen
    10. Gnar
    11. Hecarim
    12. Illaoi
    13. Irelia
    14. Jarvan IV
    15. Jax
    16. Jayce
    17. Kled
    18. K’Sante
    19. Lee Sin
    20. Nasus
    21. Olaf
    22. Pantheon
    23. Rek’ Sai
    24. Rell
    25. Renekton
    26. Riven
    27. Sett
    28. Shyvana
    29. Trundle
    30. Tryndamere
    31. Udyr
    32. Urgot
    33. Vi
    34. Viego
    35. Volibear
    36. Warwick
    37. Wukong
    38. Xin Zhao
    39. Yasuo
    40. Yone
    41. Yorick

    Number of Champions that are Assassins

    Here's an official number of the League of Legends champion count.

    Personally, we love playing as an assassin, because they can deal a nice amount of damage in no time at all. When you play a champion and know how to use the combos, taking out another player isn’t hard. Right now, there are a total of 23 assassins in League of Legends. 

    Here’s a list of champions that are Assassins:

    1. Akshan
    2. Akali
    3. Diana
    4. Elise
    5. Evelynn
    6. Fizz
    7. Kassadin
    8. Katarina
    9. Kayn
    10. Kha’Zix
    11. LeBlanc
    12. Master Yi
    13. Naafiri
    14. Nidalee
    15. Nilah
    16. Nocturne
    17. Pyke
    18. Qiyana
    19. Quinn
    20. Rengar
    21. Shaco
    22. Talon
    23. Zed

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    Number of Mage Champions

    League of Legends has a lot of champions which means that you have plenty of options to choose from...

    In League of Legends, you have support/controller mages and damage-dealing mages, the one you choose is entirely up to you. In this post, we’re putting both the support mages and damage-dealing mages in a single category. There are a total of 48 mages for you to choose from.

    Here’s a list of mages in LoL:

    1. Ahri
    2. Anivia
    3. Annie
    4. Aurelion Sol
    5. Azir
    6. Bard
    7. Brand
    8. Cassiopeia
    9. Fiddlesticks
    10. Heimerdinger
    11. Hwei
    12. Ivern
    13. Janna
    14. Karma
    15. Karthus
    16. Kennen
    17. Lissandra
    18. Lulu
    19. Lux
    20. Lillia
    21. Malzahar
    22. Milio
    23. Mordekaiser
    24. Morgana
    25. Nami
    26. Neeko
    27. Orianna
    28. Rumble
    29. Ryze
    30. Seraphine
    31. Sona
    32. Soraka
    33. Swain
    34. Sylas
    35. Syndra
    36. Taliyah
    37. Twisted Fate
    38. Veigar
    39. Vel’Koz
    40. Viktor
    41. Vladimir
    42. Vex
    43. Xerath
    44. Yuumi
    45. Ziggs
    46. Zilean
    47. Zoe
    48. Zyra

    Number of Tank Champions

    Here's an official total number of tanks in League of Legends. There are 27 different tank champions in the game at the moment

    If you’re the type who likes to tank, you’ll have 27 champions to choose from. Along with being able to take on a lot of damage, tanks in LoL have some good damage-dealing abilities, making them a great class to choose. 

    Tanks in League of Legends:

    1. Alistar
    2. Amumu
    3. Blitzcrank
    4. Braum
    5. Cho’Gath
    6. Mundo
    7. Galio
    8. Garen
    9. Gragas
    10. Leona
    11. Malphite
    12. Maokai
    13. Nautilus
    14. Nunu & Willump
    15. Ornn
    16. Poppy
    17. Rakan
    18. Rammus
    19. Sejuani
    20. Shen
    21. Singed
    22. Sion
    23. Skarner
    24. Tahm Kench
    25. Taric
    26. Thresh
    27. Zac

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    Number of Marksmen in League of Legends

    League of Legends has 24 ADCs/Marksmen at the moment. Riot will probably roll out new ADC at the end of this year

    Marksmen are capable of quickly dealing damage from a distance. So, if you’re the type of player who doesn’t like to get up close and personal with the enemy team, this would be a good class for you. There are a total of 27 Marksmen. 

    List of Marksmen:

    1. Aphelios
    2. Ashe
    3. Caitlyn
    4. Corki
    5. Draven
    6. Ezreal
    7. Graves
    8. Jhin
    9. Jinx
    10. Kai’Sa
    11. Kalista
    12. Kayle
    13. Kindred
    14. Kog’Maw
    15. Lucian
    16. Miss Fortune
    17. Nilah
    18. Samira
    19. Senna
    20. Sivir
    21. Teemo
    22. Tristana
    23. Twitch
    24. Varus
    25. Vayne
    26. Xayah
    27. Zeri
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    As you can see, you have a lot of champions you can choose from – we listed each champion in alphabetical order. 

    What about you – what is your favorite class to play? 


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