
    Best Poison Champions in League of Legends

    In League of Legends, there are various types of damage done over time. There’s burning, leeching, Death’s Dance proccing, etc. Among these also counts poisoning. 

    Poison in League of Legends is a damage source available to a minimal number of Champions. Four, to be precise. We will cover all four of them in this list, as it wouldn’t make much sense to exclude anyone from it. 

    Since there are only four, I can detail them and their mechanics other than the poison abilities. They vary largely between each other and are played in all roles in the game. 

    Due to their inherent differences in playstyle, I will refrain from numbering this list and name them, go over their strengths and weaknesses, and you be the judge of the rest. 

    No Champion on this list is inherently better than the other. The situations vary, and your experience will be different in each game you play. 

    So, with that out of the way, let us begin with the Best Poison Champions in League of Legends. 

    1. Cassiopeia

    Out of all the Champions named in this list, Cass has perhaps the most extensive reliance on poison in her kit. Everything revolves around poison with her spells, save for her Ultimate. 

    Embodying her snake form, Cass’ Q and W are poisoning abilities from which her E scales incredibly. She’s more or less a straightforward Champion, and thus her Q is an uncomplicated blast of poisonous cloud, and her W covers the ground with poison goo. While standing in her W, Champions are grounded, meaning they can’t Flash, dash, jump, or do anything of the sort. 

    As the game progresses, her poison can get lethal. This is especially the case when combined with items like Liandry’s that will chunk any Champion’s HP hard with the press of a button. 

    This brings me to her E. If the target is poisoned, Cassiopeia’s E will deal bonus damage and heal her. In the late game, this 0.75s cooldown spell becomes a rapid-firing poison barrage that no one can escape from. Simply use your Q to poison the enemies and your W to keep them in place, and follow up with a machine gun of venomous fangs to bring the enemy to heel. 

    Cassiopeia is an interesting Champion, all things considered. She doesn’t buy boots but gets passive movement speed. Riot explained this with her lack of feet, and I mean – it does make sense. 

    This allows Cass to have an extra free item slot to replace the boots, giving her a massive advantage over most other Champions that can only have up to 5 items in their inventory. That is, if they want to keep their movement speed and not trade it for an item. 

    She has a sky-high skill cap, and it will take you a lot of games to learn her otherwise brutal combos. Taking your time to master her will pay off, however, and will lead you to an LP increase in no time. 

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    2. Teemo

    Teemo is a poisonous little scumbag that everyone hates to see in their games. He is also one of the best Top Laners in the current meta, enjoying an almost permanent S+ tier ranking on With a win rate of over 52%, he remains a proper bastard, so let’s talk about him for a little bit. 

    Teemo’s poison is attached to both his E and his Ultimate. Though I’d said that Cass is the only one whose whole kit revolves around poison, Teemo is a close second. He is a Champion that relies a little bit too much on damage over time and his Mushrooms. The Mushroom placement can easily highlight the difference between a good and a bad Teemo player. 

    During the early game, Teemo will use his poison to poke and harass the hell out of the enemy Laner. As most Top Lane Champions will be melee, Teemo has almost no counterplay and can have a field day with any opponent he encounters. His shrooms at level 6 will serve as glorified wards and a way to do extra damage during 1v1 fights within large minion waves.

    As the game progresses, he will gradually lose his reliance on auto attacks and focus a lot more on his shroom placement. Planting shrooms around chokepoints is crucial to maintain the enemy’s heightened sense of danger. They will always tread lightly and carefully around each narrow pathway. 

    This will significantly help deter enemies trying to approach your team during objective taking like Drake and Baron. Remember that enemies can easily detect your Mushrooms by using the Sweeping Lens trinket or with Control Wards. They will immediately focus on using these two tools, so be sure to place shrooms at very unexpected spots. 

    Teemo is a god currently and is incredibly easy to play, learn and master. I highly recommend you play him, though if you’re on EUNE, I will gladly ban it to prevent you from doing so. 

    3. Twitch

    Twitch is the least poisonous of all the Champions listed here. Though he constantly poisons his enemies with his basic attacks and W, he does very little poison damage. 

    Twitch has a poison attacked to his passive that deals true damage, rather than magic like the rest of the entries on this list. At level 18 and max stacks, this spell can deal 30 true damage per second. It also scales off of AP slightly. 

    That may seem a lot, and I know I’ve said that Twitch does very little poison damage. Early in the game, he will struggle to maintain anything over 2 to 3 stacks which will deal about 5-6 true damage per second. That amount is easily mitigated if the enemy has an Enchanting Support, a shield, or other healing sources. 

    In the late game, his reliance on the poison diminishes greatly, and he will turn into your run-of-the-mill ADC like any other. The importance of his poison is executing low HP enemies using his E, which does damage based on the number of passive stacks Twitch has on an enemy. 

    This is his primary use for the poison and not the poison itself. It is a finishing touch that will help Twitch end the opponents before they manage to escape. 

    Twitch is an ADC, as indicated. Learning any ADC will take time, and it is a unique way of playing the game altogether. Positioning, farming, and other mechanics must be deeply studied and learned by heart before any significant step in progressing with a Champion is made. 

    When you do master these mechanics, though, no other role in the game will seem difficult, at least in terms of Laning. You’ll have to figure everything else by yourself as it will heavily rely on your general learning ability and how well you grasp new things in this game. 

    However, no one truly learns League entirely as it is an ever-changing environment, and you never know what’s waiting in the next patch. 

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    4. Singed

    Singed is a Top Laner. That’s all I have to say about him. He can be played elsewhere, but Top is his home, and he’s there to say, and I mean it. 

    His poison comes from his insane Q that, when activated, leaves behind him a trail of smoke that will poison anyone that walks through it. It is a toggle spell, meaning Singed can turn it on and off at will. While active, it will slowly drain his mana and automatically deactivate when he runs out. 

    Singed’s entire playstyle is centered around this spell. Most players will use it to proxy farm waves behind the enemy’s tower, piling up a massive amount of solo gold and XP over time. He can rarely be stopped, as he has a lot of tools to escape and fight if the need arises. (  

    His W and E are both crowd control spells that can stun enemies for a solid amount if used correctly. Even when used separately, these spells are pretty powerful. The W acts similarly to Cass’ Miasma, which grounds people are highly slowed to the point of a stun being preferable. 

    The E lunges enemies behind Singed. It allows him to use his Ultimate to boost movement speed, run into the enemies, and fling one into his team for quick execution. There’s an infinite amount of things to do with Singed once you’ve mastered him, though I wouldn’t recommend doing so. 

    You see, Singed is a very niche character to play as and has one of the lowest player counts of all Champions in the game. He’s just bad most of the time, and there are scarcely capable hands that can use him correctly. 

    At any rate, you can try him if you want. I wouldn’t, but I’m not your dad. 


    As we can see, poison mechanics can be found in every type of Champion you can think of. From the casting Mage Cassiopeia to the tanky moron Singed. Though limited to only this tiny pool of Champions, poison is no joke when found on an overfed player. 

    These lists take time and effort to make so leave feedback to help us improve them. Keep a keen eye out on our website for more League of Legends-related content such as guides, lists, and articles. 


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