
    Top 7 Best Junglers Against Squishy Teams

    League of Legends Champions can be divided into the squishies and the Tanks. While not strictly class-defining traits, the defenses of a Champion are vitally important. 

    Squishy Champions are low on defenses and HP and are often very easy to kill. They are some of the more difficult Champions to play since you will always have to be on edge and careful in your games. 

    The biggest enemies to squishy Champions are Assassins. They are a class of Champions that focuses strictly on getting quick and efficient kills. Killing squishies is what they do for fun, and whenever they see one, they cannot resist attacking them. 

    I’ve compiled the list of the 7 Best Junglers against squishy Teams and Champions in this list. While not all of them are inherently Assassins, they share common traits like high damage and low time-to-kill. 

    So, with the introductory ramblings out of the way, let’s begin with our list!

    7. Kha’Zix

    Kha’Zix has been, for a couple of Seasons now, the staple Assassin Jungler. He is at the Top of the Jungling game right now, and he will likely remain so for the foreseeable future. His high damage, mobility, and general prowling nature make him one of the most dangerous Champions in the game. 

    It is sometimes excruciatingly challenging to play against Kha’Zix. This is especially emphasized if you’re squishy and will have his sights on you for the whole game. Kha’s passive gives him extra damage on enemies that are alone and isolated – meaning that you will never have the ability to move on your own, ever. 

    As soon as he sees you alone, he will move on to try and kill you. Being under this constant danger can cause you to lose on a ton of farm and XP that you would otherwise get. He is a perfect anti-splitting Jungler and will control the map with his remarkable presence. 

    Kha is an incredible Assassin Jungler who can do so much with a compact kit. There is not too much difficulty attached to his gameplay, and learning him is quick and easy. Mastering him, however, will take some time – but it is a fun process that you will undoubtedly enjoy.

    I highly recommend you give him a try and have a feel for what it means to be truly powerful. 

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    6. Rengar

    Rengar is the nemesis of Kha’Zix and employs much of the same mechanics to subdue his squishy opponents. Rengar can close the distance in seconds and get to his target blazingly fast with heightened mobility, range, and damage. 

    Rengar’s anti-squishy sentiment profits predominantly from his mobility. Primarily, he will use the pounce mechanic to jump on targets from bushes. This means that Rengar will focus on playing the trapping game, similar to Kha’Zix, if but slightly different. While Kha has the isolate mechanic, Rengar is incentivized by the nature of his character and kit. 

    Trapping enemies is just something he does, and as a prowling hunter, it’s unsurprising that this would be a primary mechanic of his. In the later stages of the game, Rengar will use his Ultimate, which will help him achieve all of the above, only anywhere on the map. The extra damage and mobility allow him to execute squishy enemies without breaking a sweat. 

    Whenever a squishy Champion sees those eyes above their head, they’re inclined to run. Rengar doesn’t choose his victims, only whichever is closest. Therefore, he will chase you down with murderous intent, and there is scarcely anything you can do about it.

    I recommend you give Rengar a try, as he is unique in many aspects. 

    5. Evelynn

    Evelynn is our favorite Vampir seductress and likely yours, too. Using these powers of seduction, she always seems to find her way into our lists whenever we even mention the Jungle. Of course, this is justified in so many ways, and we are here to talk about them. 

    Evelynn is a prowling hunter, a common theme of this list. She employs her invisibility, charms, and brutally high ability damage to eliminate her foes. Against squishy targets, Evelynn can be pretty lethal, and people are advised to beware whenever they see her in the opposing team. She is one of my favorite Junglers out there, and this anti-squishy performance is just a part of the reason why. 

    She can hunt enemies down without breaking a sweat, even going as far as all-inning a whole team. Her efficiency in brutalizing people is astonishing, and you will need a single item to achieve greatness. As the game progresses, Evelynn snowballs and scales hard, and it becomes near impossible to contain her. 

    This will give her even more leverage over the squishy targets, and she will be going around seeking kills whenever possible. The invisibility is the best thing she could have in this regard, and people won’t be able to hide from her. 

    I wholeheartedly advise you to play Evelynn. She is definitely among the best Junglers in the game and rarely do others come close. At least in terms of sheer fun. 

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    4. Kayn

    Kayn is among the best of Junglers in recent Seasons. Season 11 was especially his era of dominance, and he was consistently on the Top of all tier lists. However, he did fall off a little in these recent pre-Season patches, though not too much. He will always be a viable Jungler pick, no matter what position on tier lists he holds. But I digress. Let’s see why he’s just so good against squishy teams. 

    Kayn’s shadow form, and even the red form to some extent, can absolutely eviscerate squishy targets. In the likeness of Zed and similar Assassins, Kayn can obliterate people in mere seconds, taking no more than a spell or two to finish the job. The mobility is also a scary thing to behold, and he doesn’t stay for long on any of his killing endeavors. 

    He is undoubtedly one of the best-designed Champions in the League. He can traverse terrain, engage and disengage, deal massive damage, etc. So much and more is contained within the fantastic ability kit that he always fully utilizes. Kayn can be excruciatingly difficult to face in the right hands, especially if he gets an early advantage.

    I believe that everyone should play Kayn at least once. I’ve played him so many times since his release years ago, and he has remained powerful since. Not one game did I play that wasn’t fun, and I guarantee you will have tons of it, too. 

    3. Vi

    Vi may be a peculiar entry to see on a list like this. But bear with me; there are several reasons for her inclusion here. I know she isn’t usually synonymous with Assassins and anti-squishy mechanics. However, I do believe she can be, and here’s why.

    Vi’s high damage and capability to scale with lethality are insane and will make short work of any squishy that comes in her path. With just a quick combination of Q, W, and E, Vi can disintegrate the average squishy Champion. She becomes the team-fighting beast we all know and love with her AOE and can easily take on multiple opponents. 

    Her mobility gives her an incredible map presence. She will never miss out on any crucial game moment, as she can cross vast distances quickly. She is among the most impactful of all the Junglers in the game. A good Vi player will leave a considerable mark on the game, even controlling it entirely at times. 

    I love Vi, and I love Vi players. She is not a Champion that I see too often on the Rift. Whenever I play pre-made with a Jungler, I ask them to pick either Vi or Kha since the two are almost guaranteed wins. She can severely change the course of an entire game, and thus I have to recommend her wholeheartedly. You will have tons of fun while dominating your opponents with this fantastic Champion. 

    Also read: Most Broken Junglers

    2. Xin Zhao

    Xin Zhao has, since his update, leaned away from his Bruiser nature into more of a regular Fighter. If by regular Fighter, we mean insanely high burst damage. He was always the usual melee tanky Bruiser, without anything too special about him. However, his changes gave him some insane potential for single-target bursts. 

    Xin Zhao’s damage can get tremendously overpowered with ease. All he needs is a slight early advantage that later turns into sheer dominance. Against squishy targets, he will take only a second or two to finish the job. Trust me, once he gets close – there is no escape. His E, W, Q combo will instantly send you to the black and white screen. 

    He can still be played as a Bruiser despite his leaning into damage and bursting. This is the likeliest of all outcomes in a regular Xin Zhao game. It actually adds to his severity and danger to see him Tanky and full of damage potential. 

    He has been around for a while, and I’ve had my few spells with him throughout the years. The current iteration of his is the best he’s ever been, so make sure to use that before it gets inevitably nerfed. 

    1. Diana

    Diana is an entry that you might not have expected to see on a list of this nature. She isn’t exactly too popular in the Jungle recently, compared to some previous Seasons. However, she is having quite a resurgence with many tier lists naming her in S and above. Her damage and mobility are some of the best in the game, so let’s talk about them. 

    Diana is a Champion who focuses more on ganking than on actually Jungling. Her single-target burst capabilities are incredible, to say the least. She will utilize them to the fullest, not wasting time on taking unnecessary Jungle camps for a single second. 

    Against squishy targets, all of her damage becomes additionally emphasized. Like the rest on the list, she will take only a few seconds to kill a squishy. If they’re not adequately protected, there is no way for them to escape. Her dash reset means that she will stick to you for as long as she needs. That is until you drop dead. 

    Diana is an easy Champion to get into, and her power doesn’t justify it. There are scarcely any Champions in the game that take less skill and offer more. For these reasons and many more, I highly recommend Diana in her current state. She is excellent at team fighting, as well as a single-target Assassin. 


    There are so many Champions in League of Legends that work wonders against squishies. The Jungle has some of the strongest in this regard. We’ve shown just a few of them above. To truly understand how great Junglers are against this sort of Champion, check out our other lists on Junglers to find out their true strengths. 

    I hope you’ve found this list informative and fun to read, and I wish you all the best on the Summoner’s Rift.


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