Thresh is one of the most iconic support champions in League of Legends. Of course, you’ve seen him in those prediction montages where his hooks turn the tides of battle when he predicts enemy flashes with it and catches them, leading to a takedown. Clean plays where he lands a hook, flashes towards a faraway teammate and gets them with his lantern to secure a kill.
There are many playstyles for Thresh. He initiates a winning team fight or peels the enemy ADC so potently, leading to a fast-growing ADC snowball. Regardless of playstyles, Thresh is a grand champion with lots of CC and slow with relatively significant damage, making him dangerous for 1v1’s. With that in mind, let us take an in-depth look at the 5 best ADC champions you can pair him
1. Lucian
Lucian and Thresh might be sworn enemies in the main lore of league of legends. Still, in the summoner’s rift, they are an overwhelming duo. They make for a tremendous hyper-aggressive lane that dominates 2v2 fights at any point of the game. Thresh’s low cooldown CC and slows can easily lock enemies, while Lucian’s dashes and animation cancel quickly demolish enemies locked down by Thresh.
This duo excels in aggressive laning. Lucian’s dash (Relentless Pursuit) synergizes with Thresh’s engage tools (Death Sentence and Flay). Lucian can dash in after a Thresh hook for quick burst damage with his Piercing Light and double shot passive.
They should aim for early game dominance, capitalizing on Lucian’s strong early to mid-game power spike. It’s all about quick trades and outmaneuvering opponents with their combined mobility and CC.
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2. Draven
When paired with Thresh, the usual playmaker of the duo is not the ADC but Thresh the support himself. A hook followed by a flay and an ult makes an enemy extremely vulnerable. Usually, all the ADC has to do is kill the enemy that was caught. Thresh has severe damage from his skills, so a Draven who has a straightforward tactic can easily burst enemies down. Once an enemy is caught by Thresh, it is usually a guaranteed kill for Draven as enemies won’t be able to run away from a high-ability haste Thresh.
Draven excels when he can catch his spinning axes without pressure. Thresh’s hooks and crowd control create perfect opportunities for Draven to deal massive damage with his axes. The key is for Thresh to initiate and Draven to follow up with his Stand Aside and Whirling Death. This duo should focus on snowballing Draven early, leveraging his raw damage output whenever Thresh lands a hook.
3. Caitlyn
Caitlyn has an exciting kit that prevents enemies from getting near her. She has a trap that CCs enemies and lets her deal bonus headshot damage. She also has an E that slows enemies and makes Caitlyn jump back. With this self-peeling potential of Caitlyn, Thresh can look to roam the other lanes so their teammates can also have a lead.
They can also do one exciting combo together, and it depends upon Caitlyn’s trap placement. It is easy to walk around and dodge Caitlyn’s traps when you are faced with a Caitlyn. But when she places it well enough, followed by a thresh hook and flay, it gets more complicated.
Caitlyn’s long-range and trap setup combine well with Thresh’s hook and lantern for zoning control. They should focus on poking and controlling the lane. After Thresh lands a hook, Caitlyn can place a Yordle Snap Trap underneath for extended CC, allowing them to secure kills or force the enemy out of lane. This duo is about exerting lane pressure and catching enemies off-guard with their CC chain.
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4. Twitch
Twitch is an excellent ADC that can demolish entire teams in the late game. All he needs is a wall to stand before him to hit all of the enemies with his ult. Thresh is great for him as he can be the shield that Twitch needs. Twitch doesn’t really need an excellent set from his support. He can kill enemies on his own because of his invisibility and slowness.
Twitch’s stealth and ambush potential work well with Thresh’s ability to peel and create picks. In this pairing, Thresh should focus on protecting Twitch and setting up plays, while Twitch should capitalize on Thresh’s CC to unleash his Rat-ta-tat-tat in team fights. They should play the early game safely, scaling into a potent late-game force where Twitch can decimate entire teams.
5. Kalista
Both coming from the shadow isles, this duo works excellent when you know what you are doing. Playing Kalista can be pretty challenging with her passive and mediocre damage output. But with Thresh’s low cooldown hooks and flays, Kalista can shine with her ramping-up damage. The longer Kalista fights, the stronger her damage gets because of her passive. It would also be easier to initiate fights with Kalista’s ult and Thresh’s flay combo. Once enemies get hit with Kalista’s ult, Thresh can easily lock them all down with his flay and ult.
This duo is all about mobility and chaining their abilities. Kalista’s Rend stacks synergize with Thresh’s CC for extended trades. Thresh’s engage combined with Kalista’s ultimate, Fate’s Call, allows for powerful initiation and crowd control in fights. Their playstyle revolves around constant movement, kiting, and making the most of their synergistic abilities to control and dominate the lane.
Final Thoughts
Thresh is incredibly aggressive support because his skills have a low cooldown. He is also great at peeling ADCs with his flay and lantern. Just make sure to adjust your playstyle depending on what team comp you are facing, along with your item build. Thank you so much for reading my content, and I hope you enjoyed it as I invest time and effort in making these articles. I hope this article helps you in your future games summoner, GLHF, and see you on the rift.