
    Top 5 Best ADCs With Soraka to Pair in League of Legends

    Have you ever laned against Soraka’s support? I know how annoying it is if you don’t have to ignite or grievous wound inflicting item. Soraka heals her ADC so much with a pretty low cooldown that their enemies are already near death after trades. Soraka’s ADC is still standing at full health. Another annoying thing from Soraka is she constantly bombards you with her Q that slows you and speeds her up. It also heals her so she can spam her heal on her ADC even more. 

    To top it all off, she also has a silence ability that can be instantly cast, giving you no time to react. She is excellent at peeling for her ADC and poking enemies as well. She really works with almost every ADC in the game, meaning is a generalist support champion. Still, some outshine others when it comes to laning and late-game fights. Let us take a look at 5 of the best ADC champions that you can pair with Soraka. 

    1. Kog’Maw


    Kog’Maw paired with Soraka is like having a ticking time bomb in bot lane. Early on, Kog’Maw needs to play the survival game, and that’s where Soraka’s heals are clutch. She keeps him in lane, farming and scaling.

    Once Kog’Maw hits his item spikes, it’s showtime. With Soraka’s constant healing and silencing support, Kog’Maw can position himself fearlessly, unleashing a barrage of damage from his Bio-Arcane Barrage and Living Artillery.

    This duo excels in drawn-out fights, where Kog’Maw, the artillery cannon, continuously shreds through enemies while Soraka ensures he stays up and firing.

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    2. Vayne

    Vayne is a very squishy champion that can be killed pretty quickly if she doesn’t have lifesteal. Soraka can fix this for Vayne as Soraka is the ultimate heal champion. She literally is played for the sole purpose of healing her allies. It might not be a good idea to play two squishy champions in the bot lane, especially when the enemy has assassin champions. Still, you can mitigate this by buying lots of wards on Soraka and preventing flanks from the enemy team. 

    Vayne is an all-in champion that is very strong but also needs extensive peeling. Soraka can heal Vayne as she kites through multiple enemies in the late game. Soraka can also keep up with Vayne because her passive boosts her movement speed when her allies reach a certain hp threshold.  

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    3. Kai’sa


    Kai’Sa with Soraka turns the bot lane into a high-octane battlefield. Kai’Sa’s playstyle is all about diving in, bursting down targets, and slipping away – and Soraka’s healing ensures she can do this repeatedly.

    Soraka’s Astral Infusion keeps Kai’Sa topped up, while her Equinox (E) adds a layer of protection against counterattacks. This duo thrives on quick, decisive skirmishes.

    Kai’Sa can aggressively use her Icathian Rain and Killer Instinct, knowing Soraka’s Wish (R) is there as a safety net. It’s a pairing that offers both the burst damage to eliminate targets and the sustainability to stay in the fight longer.

    4. Samira

    Samira loves to dash behind enemy lines and fight them there. This puts her at risk of dying fast, so a Soraka pick is natural for this champion. With Soraka as support, Samira can easily do as she pleases and dash towards enemies all the time without worrying about her health. 

    The bread and butter for Samira’s pentakill potential are her ultimate. Sure this is a strong ability. Still, it can be easily stopped with a single hard CC. Soraka can fix this by using her silence as Samira casts her ult. This way, nobody interrupts Samira. In addition to that, they can get rooted if they stay inside Soraka’s E long enough. 

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    5. Jhin

    It’ll be much easier to hit your root as Jhin when enemies are slowed. Once Soraka hits her Q and slows an enemy, it’ll be followed by a cascade of combos from this duo. Jhin hits his root on the enemy, and he can AA that champion to the full extent of his 4 bullets. Soraka can extend the root duration with her E and silence.

    With Jhin having an extremely strong early game because of his 4th shot, kills are almost guaranteed every time they hit this combo right. 

    Final Thoughts

    When playing with a Soraka support, try to pick champions like the ones mentioned above, don’t be afraid to go all-in and commit to fights. Soraka excels at prolonged fights because she can heal her allies often. Just make sure to never back down once a fight erupts. Thank you so much for reading my content, and I hope you enjoyed it as I invest time and effort in making these articles. I hope this article helps you in your future games summoner, GLHF, and see you on the rift.


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