League of Legends is a game as old as time (at least it is in the eyes of most of its young player base). Numerous Champions have been released on top of the original 40 Champions that shipped with the game throughout the years.
There are so many, and they vary so much, that we can safely say no two Champions are the same. However, there are some aspects that Champions might share, and by which we can group them. These can be their range, AD or AP usage, etc.
In this article, we’re dealing with a peculiar aspect—the annoyance. At least on one occasion, every player in this game has been annoyed by a Champion in League of Legends. We’ve covered annoying Champions from all other roles – ADC, Jungle, Top, and Mid.
Last but not least, we’re covering the Supports, and I suggest you check out the others to see what the rest of the roles might be hiding in this regard.
So, with the introduction out of the way, let’s begin, shall we?
7. Lulu
Lulu is regarded as one of the most potent Supports in League of Legends. She has so many tools to buff herself and her allies by obscene amounts. She can truly create an atmosphere of pure, unfiltered pressure where you might feel utterly helpless.
Her annoyance begins from the very start of the game. She can use her spells to poke you from a safe distance and apply slows and other effects. Polymorph is one of the most brain-numbing abilities of a Champion, and Lulu never seems to have it on cooldown.
Throughout the Lane, Lulu will seek ways of annoying you as much as she can. Fighting is not as easy as she can disable you, shield her ally, and even do a ton of unexpected damage. By level 6, her Ultimate is the best buff she could ever ask for and be sure that she will use it aggressively.
If paired with the right Champions, Lulu’s Ultimate becomes a truly menacing ability that you’ll want gone before the fight even begins. This makes Lulu a target of focus, which can give her vital allies such as the ADC some leverage and breathing space. However, if she’s dead before the fight, her team will be at a severe disadvantage.
Lulu goes best with Champions that love to fight. The best example is likely Master Yi, who can dominate together with Lulu both in lower and higher elo matches. I indeed do dread to see a Lulu and Yi combination, and you should too.
I recommend Lulu to your average Enchanter player, as she embodies the class pretty well.
Also read: Best Tankiest Champions
6. Yuumi
Yuumi, like Lulu, and some others on this list, is an Enchanter. However, she is a little bit different. While your usual Champion in League goes around casting spells, putting themselves in life endangerment – Yuumi does something… else. She attaches herself to an ally, becomes invulnerable as long as she remains at their side, and then casts spells and does all the other usual stuff.
This makes her playstyle super unique but also quite annoying. You see, to kill Yuumi, you first have to kill her ally. Either that or catch her off guard while she is wandering about alone for no apparent reason. While killing Yuumi’s allies, while she can still cast spells, is somewhat tedious.
You see, she heals – a lot. The amounts that Yuumi can heal can sometimes be considered borderline insane. Apart from that, Yuumi can also do damage, slow and root enemies, etc. She has a ton in her kit that can be utilized in many different ways.
Laning against her, especially early on, isn’t that bad. However, as the game progresses, Yuumi can become unbearable, and her utility truly makes her one of the strongest Enchanters in the game.
Yuumi goes well with just about anyone, but her buffs will prove most sufficient on Champions that love fighting. Like Lulu, Yuumi goes well with the likes of Master Yi, and everyone dreads to see Yi running towards them with Yuumi at their shoulder.
I recommend her to the same player base as Lulu.
5. Karma
Karma is, at least in terms of damage, one of the more potent Supports. This, in turn, makes her highly annoying. Well, apart from other things. Karma is an Enchanter, like the previous two, and she will do much of the same as them. However, she does differ in many ways.
Firstly, Karma is focused a lot more on damage than they are. Her Q is a powerful nuke that can, even at level 1, greatly chunk the enemy’s HP. This gives her an aggressive playstyle that is rarely matched by any Champion in her class.
But why is she annoying? Well, apart from being able to spam her abilities left and right, Karma can help her fellow ADC become nigh unkillable. Karma can speed up and substantially protect her ally in combat with her super powerful shields. If she wishes, she can even use her empowered shield to apply it to every ally in an area, including herself.
Combine this with the likes of Arden Censer, and you’ve got yourself something quite substantial. Karma even has CC, and her kit is rounded nicely. She isn’t difficult to play and can put a ton of pressure on her enemies by just being her usual self. She’s pretty versatile as well, which gives her a veil of unpredictability that spikes her annoyance level by a bit.
At any rate, Karma is a superb Champion that I love to play and recommend to just about anyone that happens upon the Support role.
Also read: Best Control Mages
4. Janna
Janna is the fourth and last Enchanter on this list. I think we’ve exhausted that pool enough. Anyhow, if Karma was an excellent shielding Support – Janna is insane. She can even shield Turrets from crying out loud, and it doesn’t stop there.
Janna takes her focus away from damage, other than buffing her allies. She will utilize her CC, shields, and heals to substantiate her allies, and even structures consistently. Janna’s shields are some of the most powerful in the game and can serve as a secondary health bar if she buffs them up enough.
This becomes super annoying both during the Lane and later on since her ADC will constantly be walking around with double the HP they should have. Paired with low cooldowns and mana cost for the late game, Janna becomes a key player in her team. It isn’t exactly on the level of Lulu where you literally have to focus on her, but you might think about it a couple of times.
During the Lane, she isn’t as bad as some of the others on the list, but that changes quickly as the levels start progressing, so beware of that.
I recommend her to your usual Enchanter player.
3. Leona
Leona is a tank disabler that everyone loves to hate. She is a Champion that you will see so often that you might not even need to read this bit about her. I suggest you do, though, as I try hard to explain and make it a fun time of knowledge for you.
From level 1, Leona can already apply powerful stuns to her enemies. By level 3, she will have 2 stuns and some extra damage and defenses ready for use. It becomes borderline impossible to Lane against her if you’ve got the wrong composition of Champions since she can singlehandedly zone you out from ever getting a single minion kill.
Despite being melee, Leona can close this gap instantly with her E, which makes her a constant threat to be aware of. Combined with the right Champion, Leona can dominate her Lane without breaking a sweat. From level 6, she will have 3 stuns in her kit available at almost all times. These stuns are not some short mini-bashes either; they last – for a long time.
For these reasons, we’ve included her in some of our best CC Champions list, among others. She is super annoying to play against and can drive you insane with her consistent crowd-control. But she is fun to play as, and I suggest you give her a try before someone else picks her and destroys your game.
Hey, if you can’t beat ‘em – join ‘em. Simple as.
2. Morgana
Morgana can pass as an Enchanter due to some of her mechanics, but I like to include her into the AP Mage category as she will be playing as one the moment she leaves the Lane. However, Morgana can exert some pretty incredible power upon her enemies during the Lane. One of these makes a parody out of Leona’s stun durations, and I’ll explain why.
Morgana’s Q lasts for so long that people will think you’ve gone AFK in her prison. It has been a meme for years now, and everyone knows of her spell. If you don’t, well, good luck not plucking your eyeballs out after being hit by it.
Morgana’s damage has also increased by a long shot since her mini-rework, and you’ll find her basically one-shotting people throughout the map like it’s a breeze. Yes, she is a Support, but her Supporting goes as far as the Support item and warding does. Helping out during the Lane is a given, but she will take on the mantle of something else entirely after leaving.
As I’ve said, this is why I included her in the Mages, and not some Enchanter or Support class. Her primary focus will be doing tons of damage and applying heavy CC. She also will get a ton of kills in the process, which isn’t something characteristic of a Support.
At any rate, Morgana is an extraordinary Champion that does fantastic things. Despite being super annoying to play as she is excellent in many ways. I suggest you give her a try and be the one that annoys entire teams using her unique abilities.
Also read: Best Poke Champions
1. Zyra
Zyra is definitely one of the most powerful Supports League has ever had, at least regarding damage. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and her primary focus on the Lane will be to dish out as much damage as possible while driving the enemies insane with her strong abilities. Zyra, like Morgana, is more of a Mage than anything else.
Zyra’s roots will make you question your sanity more than once during the Laning phase. If she has some mobile ADC paired with her, you’ll find yourself constantly harassed, poked – or even killed. This CC she has can be used with ease, and Zyra can, therefore, be a dominant force on the Lane without breaking a sweat.
I don’t want to mention the damage, as the mere thinking of it makes me cringe. I cannot bring up the number of times Zyra has one-shot me in the Lane and around the map in later stages. Her single target and AOE damage are substantial enough to obliterate most non-Tank Champions in just a single combo. This makes Zyra a constant danger for squishy targets like ADCs and Mages.
Her annoyance spans the entire game, and there’s scarcely a Champion equal to her in this regard on the Bot Lane. Still, I love to see a good Zyra player on my team, as it gives me confidence that we will win. That should be prompt enough for you to play her, and I suggest you study her well. With minimal trade-off, she will give you that extra edge you need on Bot.
The annoying Champions of League of Legends are many. As we can see, the Support role has its fair share of such Champions, and we should learn them to mitigate some of them. I suggest that everyone reading this pick up each of these Champions for at least a game or two. Having the advantage of knowledge over your enemies is an advantage equal to that of having better skill. So why not have both, eh?
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